This is my first pass at demonstrating my biometric feedback system. My system is integrated with OBS Studio using multiple webcams. Also, you can see that my system was actually feeding the heart rate and time frame straight to my OBS display. This was accomplished through some extra script writing to text files, which OBS read my text files to display in real time. I also wrote a design document highlighting my current set up for my process. This is the outline from the document below:
1) Equipment
a. Three standard webcams
i. Logitech HD Webcam C270
ii. QuickCam Communication Deluxe
iii. Microsoft® LifeCam Cinema(TM)
b. Mio Heart Rate Band Link
c. USB ANT Stick
d. USB 3.0 Travel Hub
e. Alienware Laptop
i. Intel(R) Core i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.21
ii. RAM 32.0 GB
iii. 64-bit operating syste
iv. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
f. Secondary Laptop/Desktop with similar specs
2) Software
a. Unity game engine (2018.3.6f1 64bit)
i. Integration
1. OBS Studio
2. Affdex Emotion SDK
3. Advanced ANT
b. OBS Studio (64 Bit)
c. Excel 2016

I made a couple trips to best buy this week, the first time to get a USB Travel Hub so I can have more webcams to use with OBS. Then I also ended up getting another webcam, which is highlighted in the design document before.

I also revisited Tobii Eye tracking. My principal investigator Dr. Carbone and I are in communication with Tobii to see if we can figure out my issue in capturing the eye diameter. If this is figured out, then this would be a great to add to my system. This wouldn't be difficult to integrate either so it would be a loss not to have this involved with my research. The last thing I did was optimize my excel export. My system process involves copying an excel document to write some dynamic data in, then paste a copy of it into an output folder. Because of this though, my original document should be getting cleared which wasn't the case. I expanded my system to clear my excel document each time between sessions. I also expanded my system to feed data directly to the OBS scene that is tied to my biometric system. Until next week friends!