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I outlined my journey in creating my biometric system in my DEV DIARY with videos and pictures! Take a look! :)

Waiting For Suzy was primarily a solo project and a short 3-D biometric psychological horror game created in the Unity game engine. It uses a biometric system that I created that utilizes emotion detection and heart-beat sensor technologies in order to learn more about the emotional and psychological state of players. The system records biometric information from the player in real-time with my integration of OBS Studio and Excel libraries. A lot can be done with this system, especially when thinking about game design. I thought about Jesse Schell's book called The Art of Game Design when I started creating the horror game part of this project. I wanted to quickly showcase his concept of the, "interest curve" where he talks about player's engagement and how to pace their interest throughout the experience. Sometimes as designers we have to guess what players would enjoy and the right way to pace these experiences. But with something like this biometric system, we could better gauge a player's interest in studying what works well and what doesn't. As a result, we can create better experiences for players.  

Key Things To Note:

•  Designed/created a 3-D biometric first-person        horror game in Unity
•  Integrated emotion face-recognition and                heart-beat sensor technologies with Unity
•  Integrated OBS Studio with Unity
•  ALL systems run together in ONE button click.   
•  Created a system that dynamically creates              excel sheets containing data points in tables          and graphs showcasing the player’s emotional      as well as their psychological states
•  All systems work together in ONE button click
•  Caught the eyes of many popular industry              veterans from places like Valve Corporation


Game Developer/Game Designer/Biometric System Creator: 
Michael Carter

Level Design/Lighting: 
Christine (Sound) Wright




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