Systems Designer - Cloud Chamber (2K Games) (Jan 2022 - present)
• Feature ownership of 24+ gameplay systems including core systems in UE5.
• Pitched brand new features and brought them from concept to life.
• Highly collaborative environment in bringing back a beloved franchise.
• Designed AI activities and dictated their interactions with gameplay systems.
Technical Game Designer - High Voltage Software (+ Epic Games) (February 2021 - Jan 2022)
• Engaged in co-development work with Epic Games on Fortnite
• Implemented/iterated/polished game mechanics/systems in UE4
• Worked in cinematic workflows to create cinematic experiences and systems, trained by Epic Games experts. Created cinematic scenes based on concept art and storyboard animatics.
• Worked on systems involving GAS, EQS, network relevancy and more
• Wrote design documentation outlining new ideas and systems
• Pitched/implemented UE4 improvements
• Followed strict code/blueprint review guidelines that have to pass through both High Voltage Software & Epic Games code reviews
Associate Game Designer - Electronic Arts (May 2020 - February 2021)
• Designed/created content for AAA live services for PC, console, and mobile using tools like Frostbite, SQL, XML, Java, etc
• Assisted in designing/implementing player progression/objectives
• The technical guy for Madden live service team and improved/debugged their processes for content deployments
• Participant in weekly Madden build reviews
University of Central Florida, Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy - Malediction (Jan 2019 - Nov 2019)
(Technical Designer/Gameplay & Cinematic Designer on “Malediction”)
• Developed 3D puzzle platformer in UE4 with multidisciplinary team of seventeen developers
• Implemented/designed core gameplay mechanics involving time dilation localization, physics, and movement in C++/blueprints
• Cinematic designer/creator for all cutscenes & trailer
• Implemented audio using FMOD
• Implemented the Respawn and Checkpoint system using dynamic delegate macros in the back-end, and then I exposed the tool to be easily used in blueprints
• Implemented a time dilation bubble with combination of a float curve to control the flow of time smoothly, C++ logic to handle the values and spawning, and blueprints for some collision logic
• Implemented/designed puzzles and other environmental interactions using blueprints
• Implemented/designed enemy interactions and abilities in C++ that involve time manipulation and physics
• Collaborated with the level designers in design meetings to help design the levels and when puzzles appear
• Help make decisions about how different abilities will interact with each other along with the environment
• Implemented collisions in C++ and blueprints
• Implemented audio triggers with macros in C++, and used blueprints in combination with FMOD to tastefully place audio in game moments by using my background in music performance
• Solved game crashing issues involving how the mechanics were interacting and compiler issues
• Participated in code reviews with lead programmer along with lead designer, and helped by conducting reviews for other members on the team involving coding/blueprint styles
• Implemented development commands for the build for testing
• Ported the project using UWP for XBox
Programmer/Software Engineer - CGI Federal (January, 2015 - February, 2020)
• Programmer/Analyst for software application which tracks equipment and personnel on a military base
- database for equipment uses RFID tags and readers positioned at strategic entry points
- interactive map provides real-time updates with descriptions and pictures
- dynamic web application analyzes data and positions it on an interactive map
- users perform complex filtered queries
• Software engineer and designer for dynamic application that focuses on the steps for military equipment loaded on ships - ASP.NET MVC C# framework
- Pie charts that update dynamically
- Functionality to export to custom excel or pdf documents
• Currently maintain 2nd highest government security clearance to work on networks on multiple government bases including Marine Bases in Florida and Albany.
• Engineered projection software services for equipment processing using the CQRS pattern
- Domain Driven Design (DDD) techniques
- Designed and created Oracle database structure
- Front end development with multiple types of mark-up languages
• Created documentation to illustrate tools following strict government guidelines
• Examples of software I designed have often been demonstrated by CGI at marketing seminars
• Modernize application tools for multiple government bases that provide timely and easy access
- Spring MVC and Chassis framework
• Maintained live systems and servers to include application, service, and database deployments along with any general maintenance
Florida State College at Jacksonville- Adjunct Math Professor May, 2010 - January 2015
• Taught developmental math courses
• Well liked by students and co-workers with high reviews